Thursday 9 June 2011

Fabulous Alderney Part 2

        Lying in the love bed I felt like Cleopatra, all that was missing was a couple of oiled up hunky young men feeding me grapes. Well, a girl can dream. I dragged myself out of bed, showered and dressed for breakfast. The day was beautiful and very warm so I decided it was time to bring out the green shorts Greg had bought for me a couple of days before. I must have looked a complete site as I walked down with Yvonne to breakfast in green pumps, lime green socks (rolled down of course) my green shorts and my green and blue top I had bought in South Africa a few years before. I must have looked like a deformed garden pea. Well, a least you could not miss me. Asked if we would like to have breakfast outside on the terrace we both jumped at the chance. Looking back I think the hotel staff thought it was best to keep me away from other guests so I did not scare them.
Breakfast was mouth watering good. Ever since I arrived in the Channel Islands all I have wanted for breakfast is pancakes with maple syrup and two pieces of bacon. I was not disappointed but I have to say you cannot beat Guernsey butter on your toast. Listen to me I am starting to sound like those two prats off Master Chef.
        After Breakfast I decided to mince up the hill to the town centre, when I got there it was a cobbled street with a few shops in it. After walking up and down I jump into the cafe called Jack's for morning coffee. Now I cannot tell a lie having already been told that a couple of Gay men had just opened the cafe I minced over to the terrace outside and sat down. Honey I was in Gay man Heaven, two handsome sexy men with muscles rippling everywhere, who were running around serving all the tourists and locals with such grace and style. I ordered and watched the performance. Next on my list was a shoe shop Yvonne just adores so off I went to introduce myself to the owner.
        Sue is a local character, after explaining who I was and what I was up to she had great pleasure in telling me "We have a lot of you gays on the island about 50 or 60" Well I can just imagine the parties on a cold winter's night that would be fun. If they all looked like the two in the cafe I was heading straight back to Guernsey and packing and moving here. But life is a queer old thing and I bet most are over the age of 70. Her shop was crammed full of shoes, plates, perfume, jewellery, bags and more. I got the impression if Sue did not have it she would get it for you.
        To pass some time I decided to have a quick look around the charity shop. Cannot help myself always looking for Blue and white Spode which is a passion of mine. No luck with the china but had a giggle with to old girls chatting about what was the best kitchen utensil to use to pull out weeds from the garden. I thought they were going to have a stroke when I said it did not matter what utensil was being used as long as it was being used by a fabulous looking gardener with tight shorts on bending over pulling them out for me. (I do mean the weeds).
        The next morning after breakfast Yvonne and I were whisked back to the 1950's airport for the flight home. Then my worst nightmare began.
I love Australians and love their accent, what I do not like is English people who have moved over there for a few years and try to copy. It just sounds like they have a cork stuck up them. Standing opposite us was one such woman, who was loud very loud and did not shut up for one-second. I knew this was going to be the longest 15 minute flight ever. I think this old bag only drew breath once and only stopped when the captain introduced himself. To my relief I was sitting next to the engine so her voice was drowned out but could still see her mouth moving. I reckon if you did a drugs test on her she must have been full of speed.
Alderney is beautiful and very calming, a place I would recommend to anyone, Gay, straight, young and old even lesbians. The population is full of characters who welcome everyone and all have large smiles on there faces.
I had a fabulous Gay time in Alderney and I am really looking forward to taking my Husband and son there soon for a couple of days. Plus must remember to pack some rope for that four poster bed.

1 comment:

  1. nice post friend :)
    happy weekend :)
    visit my blog ^^
