Friday 12 August 2011

21 Years of happiness

          21 years ago I went out with my friends to a night club in Glasgow called Bennets. Three weeks earlier I had dumped my latest boyfriend as he was not ticking off many items on my list (read previous blogs). After jumping from one relationship to the next I was determined to play the field and have a string of one night stands. Well, everyone in life should experience being a slut at some point. The evening was going  alright with about 8 to 10 men eyeing me up and I could have had my pick of any of them but none of them really got my juices running. I decided to go down to the other end of the night club to have a troll and see who was about. In the early 90's the fashion for men was the boring white tee shirt and blue jeans and black shoes which I found not that interesting and they all looked the same.  To my surprise in the corner of the room I saw a young man wearing black trousers, a white shirt which a red motif on it and red shirt braces. This guy was stunning and my heart was pounding like crazy. He was tall with broad shoulders, thinning on top and a beautiful face and his lips I just wanted to kiss them.
I decided to keep my cool and just hang around to see if I could attract his attention. I moved into the corner and stood waiting and watching. Within a couple of songs he was standing behind me, and my heart was racing.
"Can I buy you another drink?" The young man asked.
"No sorry you can't buy me another drink" was my reply.
"Oh OK " said the hunk turning away and looking all rejected.
I grabbed his arm and whispered into his ear. "You can't buy me another drink as this is tap water and it's free."
          Within a couple of minutes we were dancing and then standing in the corner snogging. I was in Heaven as his lips and hands did things to my body that no other man had ever done and trust me I had my fair share of men. We arranged to meet the next day on a date and we have never looked back since.
          Greg is my rock and the only person in this world I want to be with all the time. He is my best friend, my lover and a wonderful father to our son. He ticked every box on my list and more and the last 21 years has passed so fast but he has never changed and when I look at him I still see that sexy young man.
          Thank you Greg for everything and I mean that from the bottom of my heart. You are my world and my life would have been very boring with you not in it. I am looking forward to the next 21 years as we move from middle age into old age knowing that in my life there is a man who loves me for who I am and each day makes me laugh and is just there supporting me all the way.

Monday 8 August 2011

Off to the Auction we mince...

          Last week was not a really good week for me with the black dog in full force so the prospect of spending the day with a woman I had never meet was not inspiring me to smile but with a bit of apprehension I said yes. The lady I was going to meet the next day was Yvonne's Mother who was over on holiday for a week and I had never meet and not really heard much about. We had arranged to meet the next morning but just as I was about to leave in the pouring rain Yvonne phoned to arrange for us to meet in the afternoon. ( Note to readers I did try and tell her the night before that it was going to pour down in the morning and clear up by lunchtime but as normal she did not listen to silly old Disnarc)
          Luckily the rain stopped so I minced my arse down the road to meet Rhona. I had only been in the coffee shop for about a minute when coming through the door I noticed a lady that could only have been my date for the day. Within a second of meeting Rhona I knew this lovely lady was a game old girl that I would become good friends with. We chatted for a few minutes and laughed about us being on a blind date when Rhona mentioned that an auction had just started and would I like to go.
Well, is the Pope a Catholic?
 After what felt like the blind leading the blind we found the auction and went in, at this point I had not been more moist than I had ever been on a blind date. I registered but Rhona said she was a demon in the auctions and she could not be tempted as how the hell would she get the items back to the main land. We stood at the back and within seconds our mouths were down by our feet as lot after lot went for pennies. No one wanted beautiful dark furniture all they seemed to want was pine. At that point I realised that we had been taken over by the common people with no taste. The auctioneer could not give the traditional items away. To give an example a mahogany dinning table and six chairs he could not sell for even £20. Desks, bookcases, wardrobes all not selling because the common people wanted the pine and modern.
         After a few more lots Rhona went on walkabout looking at some items which she had spotted in the morning. Now what had caught her eye was a Chinese tea caddy and a couple of figurines. The figurines were of no importance but the tea caddy is something very interesting. The next moment my date was up at the deck registering for a paddle and a couple of lots later her paddle was waving and buying the lot for only £22 and with only 10% commission bring the total to £24.20 and no VAT which is 20% on the main land. I did not have much luck as the items I really liked went for a few hundred pounds but then I had not had chance to really have a look.
          Rhona and I stayed until the end and really enjoyed the whole experience and I started to think about all the lovely chairs that did not sell. I have something up my sleeve but you will need to wait and see. The next auction is in two weeks time so watch this space......
         It was very eerie feeling meeting Rhona as the more we spoke the more it came clear we liked the same things and had the same taste and that is very rare to find a straight person who has the same great taste like a Gay man. It all became very clear when finding out that we both share the same Birthday 5th April. I am so pleased that instead of sitting at home moping around I went out and had a Fab time with a Fab lady who I look forward to having more Fab times with. On a sad note for the world I really do not think it's a good idea to have two mad old girls wondering around Guernsey up to no good.