Saturday 6 August 2011

The only Gay in the village ?

         The main reason I left Cornwall in the mid 80's was that I needed and craved Gay people. My Gay readers will understand what I am talking about so I'm going to try and explain to my straight readers.
Imagine growing up as a straight person in a world that is completely Gay. On the television, in the papers, magazines and films Gay, Gay, Gay. Your taught in school Gay is right and being straight is bad and wrong ( I would just love straight people to experience that feeling just once so they know how every Gay person feels). In your own mind you know that no matter how hard you tried you are not Gay but still everyone around you pushes it down your throat. Very difficult to comprehend and to a young mind very hard to understand. Things have changed and moved on and Gay people are excepted 60% of the time. I still believe we are still second class citizens and will be until we get completely the same rights as the straight population but we are getting there slowly.
         Living in Truro for the last 7 years was wonderful as we had a Gay night club and then for the last 4 years a Gay bar open all week were you could walk in and be welcomed by friendly faces who are still there making sure it does not matter who you are, Gay, straight, transsexual or even lesbians everyone can be themselves and are never judged. Greg and I have always just dipped in and out when he had a night off or we could get a babysitter. The main thing was knowing that it was there and it did not matter what was going on in your world once walking through the door you always felt like you are at home.
         I enjoy straight company but there is always something lacking, please don't get me wrong I love my straight friends and family as they are the best pets any Gay man can have, but they do not totally understand. They may say they do but you can see into their eyes and it's just missing. Feeling like the only gay in the village on this island and wondering if I had to pack all my Gay life away and jump back into the closet Greg found out that once a month on the first Friday a Bar in St. Peter Port had a Gay night. I was moist just at the words and I did not care even if we walked in and there was only two lesbians and an Airedale inside.
           Last night could not come quick enough and after buying a new top last week my excitement was all over my face. After the usual preparations we made our way down to the bar and for the first time in my life the door man asked if we knew it was a Gay night. What a wonderful surprise to enter a bar again and to feel comfortable straight away. The bar filled very quickly with a good mix of people. Young, old, slim, fat, attractive and ugly but all in the this place for the same reason to be with their own kind. I think it will take a few months to get to know people but the guy's we talked to last night were fun and very friendly. Once people realise that we are not on holiday and are locals we will start making good friends like we have in Truro.
         OK it's only once a month but that is better than nothing and life on this island is looking up and on a second little note I think I have found an interest which I will write about it in my next blog. So life is getting back to normal for this camp old Queen living in Guernsey.


  1. Hello Neil:
    Well, how will you be able to contain your excitement for the once a month Gay Night?!! Perhaps, with your contacts made at the bar, you could start your own gathering....surely there is room for two Gay Nights a month, even in Guernsey?

    We are so pleased to read, however, that you are meeting new friends and generally feeling more settled. As for the new hobby, well we can hardly contain our excitement. It's just like Gay Night all over again!!!!

  2. Hey i've lost all hope of surviving being a lesbian in Guernsey. Would you please be able to tell me when and where the gay night is? I had no idea there was any kind of scene here. Please help thanks x

  3. Hello, thank you for the message. The pub is the de la Rue and Gay night is on the first Friday of every month in the down stairs bar. Plus if you look up Club U on Facebook that is what they call it.
    Please do not give up and hope to see you there on the first Friday in October. Bonus if you find me I will buy you a drink. xx
