Wednesday 27 July 2011

A Brief Encounter.

         At the tender age of 19 I moved to work in London and was very eager to see all the attractions that London had to offer. Loving all that Gay London was throwing at a young princess and I really enjoyed going to a pub near St. Martins in the field called Brief Encounter. From an early age all I really wanted was to settle down, a husband, child and a couple of dogs, so I was very fussy who I would date or flirt with as they had to tick of every box on my list and that list was long and very strange. Another thing that was really important was never to date someone who was better looking than myself. Wise words from my Mother "Never date anyone better looking than yourself as they spend more time than you in the mirror" wise words and it has worked most of the time. ( with the exception of my dear husband who is the most attractive man in the world).
         One day after work I screamed into Brief Encounter for a couple of Gins and to see who was about. Not knowing many people I always tried to get to know the barmen so at least there was someone to talk to. Sitting up at the bar chatting to the hunky barmen the bar became really busy. In the corner of my eye at the other end of the bar I noticed the most attractive man I have ever seen. He was about 6 foot tall, dark hair and come to bed eyes. A body that would only be found on the designer underwear boxes I so enjoy fingering in TK Maxx. I knew he was great to look at but totally out of even my league so I carried on drinking and chatting to the barmen.
         About ten minutes later the barman came up to me and gave me a drink, saying thank you he said it was not from him but the guy at the other end of the bar. Well, you could have knocked me over with a condom. One thing lead to another and by the end of the evening we were both in a taxi heading back to his apartment. Now I was still very new at all this and a bit shy when it came to good looking guys, so once we got back to his place I moved quickly into the bathroom to freshen up and jumped straight into bed.
         The hunk came into the bedroom after going to the bathroom and stood at the end of the bed. Now was the time for my own private floor show, off came the shoes, then the socks which as I remember he did with so much grace. If that was me I would have fallen ass over tit trying to take my socks off. Then the belt slipped from his waist and then he ripped open his shirt. Oh I was not wrong, he had more muscles than I have ever seen and with everything rippling and shining I felt I needed sunglasses. If a friend had been there I would have asked them to slap me across my face to wake me up. Then he unbuttoned his jeans very, very slowly, and my heart was racing faster and faster. All at once he dropped his jeans...
         The shock of what I saw was to much for me to handle, this perfect guy with more muscles than I had seen before was wearing Y-fronts. The same style and colour as my father, the only other thing that would have put me off more would have been my mother walking into the room and sitting on the end of the bed and asking if I wanted a cup of tea. Before he could say a word I was out of the bed and dressing quickly and saying over and over again that I was sorry but we could not do this and left as fast as my little feet would carry me.
         Never did see him again but always made sure that when it was possible if I did get a date, asking what kind of underwear was always at the top of my list. All my friends still laugh about it but a girl has to have standards and I'm sorry nothing turns me off more than Y-fronts.

Oh I shudder just looking at them.
Where is that sick bucket

Monday 25 July 2011

I do miss a good old fashioned fingering.....

         I do miss a good old fashioned fingering through the men's designer underwear in TK Maxx. To me that was always the highlight of my shopping in Truro. TK Maxx in Truro is like a Gay man's heaven, as you glide up the escalator to the first floor you enter a different world. The home wear department on one side and the men's wear on the other. I always started at the shirts, really just to check out who was in the store. I do honestly believe that if they announced " Would the straight men in men's wear please go to the checkout" not one person would move.
          Moving to the jeans and then skipping quickly to the underwear, all boxed with gorgeous models on the front making me wonder will this pair really make me look that hot. The main reason I finger so slowly is that I'm a big fan of D & G's trunks and being a normal size (in the waist) they are very rare. In the last 4 years I have only found 4 pairs my size. Plenty of fat bastard size, you know the ones XXXL size but never mine.
         As you start to get hot under the collar you can guarantee a guy would come over and start fingering through them as well. I have been chatted up more times over a pair of designer undies in that store than I have in any Gay bar, and when your feel a bit down I cannot think of a better way to be cheered up. Apart from TK's, Truro had a Fabulous shopping area with a mix of chain stores and independents to keep anyone happy for hours. I would wonder down to town about 3 to 4 times a week and on a Saturday either go around with my Mum or my next door neighbour. I knew where every bargain was and you could ask me where any item was and I could point you straight to the right place, better sometimes than the shop assistants.
         Having had a bad week feeling very homesick and knowing that the "Black Dog" was coming on fast I decided to mince my arse down to St. Peter Port and do a bit of shopping to try and shake it off. Oh I wish I had not bothered and just stayed in bed. Guernsey is meant to be full of wealthy people and by the amount of sports cars and large houses on this Island you would have thought you would have an amazing shopping area to explore. For shopping, this place is back in the ice age, you do have a couple chain stores but none I would want to go into.
         The only place that got me a little moist was a clothes shop called Land of Green Ginger, who stock a beautiful range of french dress shirts. If you like jewellery shops and women's clothes you will be fine but I'm camp enough and to become a tranny is going a little bit far even for me. I was back home in the cottage within an hour and a half feeling more homesick for my men's wear department in TK Maxx.
So I really do miss a good old fashioned fingering through the undies and cannot wait to go somewhere better to shop than the main street in St. Peter Port.