Friday 26 August 2011

Life can be a drip sometimes...........

          You may have been wondering what has happened to old Disnarc as it has been a couple of weeks since my last blog. I am hoping that you were thinking I was lying in the sun with a glass of Sloe gin in one hand and being oiled up by a half naked hunk feeding me grapes with his mouth. Sorry to tell you that is not the case far from it but it does not stop us all from dreaming.
          I have really been getting used to the cottage and treading water. Hanging pictures and pushing the home sickness from my mind. It has not been easy and the last straw came on our anniversary when poor Greg had been in bed for 2 days with tonsillitis and I basically flipped. In my world it's a Queenie strop and I had  enough. Being stuck in the cottage and not seeing anyone but the dying lying in bed and wanting nurse Disnarc to attend to his every whim my patience had run dry like the empty bottle of sloe gin in the bin. Back in Truro we would have had a few people mincing in to see Greg and to make sure I was not going slowly mad or poisoning him with my cooking, but here not one person phoned or popped in. Screaming at the top of my voice I wanted off this bloody island. Hated the cottage, hated Guernsey and hated my new life. Greg had to just listen to me going on like a common slapper from The Jeremy Kyle show. Screaming going up the stairs that I was going home and did not care even if I had to live with the coffin dodgers, because least I would have company. The dog watched as I stomped up the stairs and must have been thinking that silly bitch is off on one again.
          The next morning the home sickness was gone, all I had to do was to let it all out. Releasing all the anger and frustration that had built up inside since arriving on the rock. From that moment on it has been like the fog has cleared and I can see things very differently. The cottage has grown on me since I started putting all the pictures up on the walls and moving furniture around.
          There are still things wrong with this place, like the mess the plumbers left. The toilet in the main bathroom does not flush properly which means no one can go for a number 2 in it or the ceiling in the lounge has not been painted since the shower leaked twice from the main bathroom ( again the plumbers). The best one is that the water is connected to the staff accommodation next door which means that when anyone flushes their toilet or takes a shower our water pressure goes. Now this is the most annoying part as you all know that when I get ready to go out or shower in the morning and my hair is all lathered up with products it's a bugger when only a dribble of water comes out. Sometimes I think it would be easier to get a servant to pee over me as they would have more pressure than what comes out of the shower. Saying all that I am living with it and knowing that one day it will all be fixed. I really do live in cuckoo land if I think that any of that will be fixed.
          The only area that is a total no go is the garden. I just do not have a clue were to start, knowing that the garden has some major issues. Like the gate for an example is on the wrong way so when you enter you do not walk onto the path. This becomes a major issue when it rains, the water pours in and because for some stupid reason the three drains have been filled up with soil and rubbish the water cannot drain away. So when opening the gate when it's pissing it down you walk straight into our swimming pool. I had spent so long making our old garden looking wonderful and fit for a Queen I know how much hard work is needed to get this garden looking just as good. This is where I need that fit young gardener in tight shorts bending over pulling out my weeds.
          We have not made any new friends to date but I'm quite happy pottering around the cottage. It would be nice if Greg had two days off like he used to in Cornwall but at the moment I have to settle with just one. Life is good and I am very contented, so I will carry on dreaming about the sexy gardener trimming my bush.


  1. Hello Neil:
    Reading between the lines here, we are rather pleased that you are settling in to your new life in Guernsey and we are sure that the cottage will be really lovely one day. As for the garden, we think that it would be a good idea for you to get garden help to at least make a start in the jungle!! Who knows, you may then get all excited about it and a new Versailles will emerge!!!!

  2. Neil , Neil, you know very well that if you ask Steve he will give u advice in your garden, if you don't ask you don't get.
    Regarding friends, they are hard to find, I've been in this rock for 11 bloody years and only have 1 so there ...... I'm a loner though...... most of the times I'm on my little own world trying to understand why my life had to be so complicated so ...... you are not alone :) xxx Mary !
