Monday 24 October 2011

The Campness of Saturdays

         Saturday's are fast becoming my favourite day of the week. I know you are thinking that everyday must be fun with a bottle of Sloe Gin in one  hand and nothing to do but play bingo on Facebook or potter around the garden pretending to be Alan Tittymarsh. Every Saturday is turning into the most camp and Fabulous day of the week.
         I have not been going out that much really for the last couple of months during the week. Finding it hard and lonely walking around the handful of shops this Rock has to offer, so I have started to wait until Saturday to go out with my sexy husband or to meet up with Yvonne. Everything is different when you are not alone. When seeing a fab sexy hunk walking towards you it is Ok to start to breath heavily and turn around and scream " Check the ass on that" or go into the perfume department and test some smellies and giggle because you walk out smelling like footballer's wives. These things cannot be done alone and I thank the big Lesbian God in the sky for Yvonne.
         We meet in Christies for a bit of lunch, the only reason is the good looking men. The food is normal and everything is over priced but there is a couple of good looking young men to get you all moist for the shopping to come. Then it's off mincing around the shops looking for anything or buying that one item we cannot live without. The great thing about Yvonne is she is one of those woman that is very equal in her shopping when out with a Queen. I do not mind wondering around ladies boutiques and looking at dresses, tops, shoes and handbags. Oh I love the handbags and when I am holding a £700 bag in my hand I get so excited a bit of wee comes out. Yvonne is then happy to potter through the menswear departments watching as I finger my way through the latest collections. After a couple of hours it is then time to make our way home to get ready for an evening of camp television.
The Fab Russell Grant
         Going out into town on a Saturday night is now boring having done it most of my youth so to have a scream in front of the box with a glass of Sloe Gin in my hand and the bottle next to me is pure heaven.
Strictly come Dancing gets my juices flowing and with the wonderful camp Russell Grant dancing his way into Strictly history is pure gold. I don't really give a flying fig about Harry and his wonderful pecks or Robbie with his flowing locks and whiter than white smile, all I wait for is the middle aged small fat man with the biggest heart and the talent to even make Craig smile.
The outrageous Johnny
Saturday night television has always had a Queen on it that brightens up our lives, now with Russell dancing his camp way into the nation's heart and then on the other channel Johnny singing his heart out on the 'X Factor'. This Queen is nothing to look at but kindness and love flows from him in bucket loads and his voice is outrageous ( in a fab way). When I look at him he reminds me of the great late Larry Grayson that had the nation in fit's on 'The Generation Game' in the long and distant past of my childhood when Gay men were still regarded as the scum of the world.
         My husband, Yvonne and myself sit laughing and screaming at the television all night and I love every minute of it. So put some campness into your lives and I promise you that before long a big smile will be on your faces. Plus if you can find a woman that in a previous life was a Gay man to go shopping with even better.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Neil:
    Just one problem........we do not have a television!!!
